Fleas are parasites that feed on humans and other warm-blooded animals. They prefer non-humans, but they will feed on humans if there’s a heavy infestation or when no other hosts are available. Fleas need an environment with warm and humid conditions to develop. They can jump 7-8 inches in a vertical direction and 14-16 inches in a horizontal direction. They can also consume up to 10-15 times their body weight in a single day. Fleas are small, wingless, and are about 2.5 mm in length. Their bodies are shiny and are reddish-brown in color, which are covered in microscopic hair that are compressed so they can move more easily through animal fur. They have no wings, but they can jump a considerable length relative to their size.
Flea infestations often come from dogs or cats. They can attach themselves to the animal while it’s outside. From there, they can infest its fur or any areas where it sleeps indoors. Keeping these pests under control can be difficult. Without being proactive, any pet owner can be vulnerable to an infestation. Fleas depend on blood from a host to survive, and they can become a problem when the host on which they have previously fed is no longer around. In fact, they will attempt to feed on other hosts inside your home.

Signs You Have an Infestation of Fleas
There are many signs you have infestation of fleas. Some of them include but may not be limited to:
- Pets Scratching — A common sign of fleas is seeing your pets constantly scratch and groom themselves. This is caused by the discomfort being caused while adult fleas are feeding.
- Bites — People who live in an infestation of fleas may get bitten, which will leave behind itchy bite marks. You should speak with a medical doctor, because there are other causes of skin irritation besides fleas.
- Feces — Flea dirt and adult flea feces can be a sign of this type of activity. Flea dirt looks like coarse ground black pepper and may be seen in pet beds, carpets, rugs, as well as other areas where the animal host is resting.
- Adult Fleas — Because fleas are easy to find when they’re in their adult stage, most of the attention is directed toward them. Adult fleas aren’t hard to locate, especially if you and your pets have come back to the house after a long vacation or some other period of absence when the resident flea population hasn’t been able to feed.
- Flea Eggs — You may find flea eggs, larvae, and pupae in and around your home. But because these stages are more secretive and much less active, you may find them in more out-of-way places.
Be sure to consult with a professional for more information on how to find an infestation of fleas.
How to Control an Infestation of Fleas
Because the early signs of a flea infestation can be somewhat elusive, you should contact a pest control professional for further assistance. Using over-the-counter products won’t take care of the root cause of the infestation. If you’re looking for a place that can provide quality pest control in Corpus Christi, Bug Busters Pest Control has an experienced team that can help you. Feel free to get in touch with us, so you can find out why we’re one of the best choices for Corpus Christi pest control.